Thursday, December 27, 2007

about me

I'm Walt Oleksy, a freelance writer in the Chicago area.
A bachelor, I live with my dog Annie in a suburb near
woods and a river where we walk together every day.
She's 5, a black English lab, and as good as she is
beautiful. She was abandoned at age one and I adopted
her from a shelter after my previous dog Max, a black
lab mix, died after 16 years.

My dog before him, Chelsea, also a black lab mix,
lived to 16 and a half years. My blog will be about me,
my books both published and unpublished, my thoughts
on current events, and other stuff.

I call my blog Walt's Wallow because I had a column by
that name in the student paper at Michigan State
University when I was going to Journalism School there
and was one of the editors. That's many moons ago.

I hope you will want to read chapters of some of my
books, both published and as-yet unpublished,
and I invite you to email me good or bad at


Miles Gibson said...

Hello Walt,

It looks like I might be the first reader to leave a comment. So I wish your blog every success.

cathy buehler said...

Dear Walt,
I enjoyed your writing tremendously. I'll check back often.
Best regards to you and Annie!

waltmax said...

Hi, Miles. You met Quentin Crisp? How'd that happen?

I just added a new post to my blog, about my love of old movies and links to web sites about them. You might like to take a look.

I love just about everything British.
I'm a big fan of your movies and TV.
I have DVDs of practically all the Masterpiece Theatre series and lots of others. Great fun.

Walt Oleksy

Miles Gibson said...

Hello Walt,

Yes, I met Quentin Crisp shortly before he left for the States. I was working with a photographer who was trying to put together a book of pictures by the great portrait photographer Angus McBean. Angus had taken shots of Quentin Crisp and a hundred stars of stage and screen from that period. The book never happened. But I did get to meet the man who made the blue rinse the rage of Soho.

Lady Malu ist angekommen.......... said...

Hello Walt,
here is Germany and I found your wonderful blog.
I too enjoyed your writing so much and I will visit often.
My blog is full with thoughts from my dog (the fourth one) He want to tell what happens over the day and how he tries to understand how human speak and live. (Sorry - my english is not perfect)
Best regards to you and Annie
from Germany nearby Cologne

waltmax said...

I'm having problems replying to those who comment on my blog. Please email me at

waltmax said...

Hi, Aiko. I can't seem to reach you by way of your blog, so I hope you come back to mine to see this.
I really appreciate your comment, as a fellow dog lover. I was in the US Army in Frankfurt am Main some years ago and loved Germany. My mother was born in Landeck, Austria, in the Tirol, and I visited the village and loved it, too. I will post more about GONE TO THE DOGS soon and also more photos of my dog Annie. Can we exchange emails? Mine is

Lady Malu ist angekommen.......... said...

Hello Walt,
it´s a long time ago -since January, that I wrote to your blog. Today I found out that you recieve my comment and there I could read that you couldn´t write in Aiko´s blog.
Perhaps it will run.
Try is please again.